In 2023, I embarked on a creative project titled "Blurred Memory," which was inspired by my thesis, "Resurrecting Memory." The aim of this project was to explore the concept of memory through a series of moving images.
During the project, I had the opportunity to interview my best friend, Jillian Wilson, who shared with me her fragmented memories of her time in Belgium during childhood. It was evident that she possessed a deep longing to recall her experiences from that period. Speaking French, living in her first home, and having a best friend whose details remained elusive to her—these were the fragments of a place that held a profound emotional attachment within her, yet remained clouded in her mind.
To assist Jillian in unfogging her recollections, I created a collection of images that depicted her in Belgium, alongside an image of her old home. Each image was imbued with movement and sound. I meticulously compiled various sounds from everyday life, such as footsteps, bird noises, people conversing in French, Jillian speaking French, children singing nursery rhymes that she mentioned singing in school during her time there. Additionally, I included a recording of one of Jillian's beloved childhood films, "The Adventures of Tintin," in French.
Through this project, I hoped to trigger and evoke forgotten memories within Jillian, allowing her to reconnect with her experiences in Belgium. By combining moving images, sounds, and cherished elements from her past, "Blurred Memory" aimed to create a sensory journey that would rekindle and sharpen her recollection of that time.
Overall, "Blurred Memory" served as a heartfelt attempt to unlock and preserve cherished memories, ultimately capturing the essence of Jillian's blurred yet significant connection to her time in Belgium.